Making Music That They Like

A large part of EN Music Studio’s mission through these piano lessons is to encourage children to make music that they like. What I mean by that, is that it is music that they would want to listen to themselves. This could take form in either their own compositions, or their recreations of other pieces/songs. When pianists are invested in the music that they are making, they are more likely to come up with motivation to practice and enhance their art. I hope that by this, that the students will continue to play the piano long after their time with lessons end.

There are different areas of piano learning that requires filling in blanks, and mimicking sounds. Like learning a language, some parts are simply memorizing and repetition. However, what artists create with those their knowledge is where the magic lives. After all, how likely is a student going to want to play the piano, if they do not enjoy the music they are making?

In the Lesson

I am committed to helping young students play music they like by:

  1. Creating unique piano sheet music based on songs that the student knows and enjoys
    • Songs will be reduced to a level appropriate version for the student!
  2. Allowing time in the lesson for children to express their musical ideas in improvisation and composition
    • The last part of the lesson allows the children apply tonal, rhythmic, and technical concepts in their own creations
  3. Recording and reviewing songs with the students
    • Recordings help students listen with a different perspective on their playing. With this technique, students can reflect on what they liked and what they feel like they can improve on.

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